My New Desk Setup

Through the course of my job and houses, I’ve had quite a few different beauty areas and setups. It’s been an evolution of sorts and has improved or changed with the space I’ve had available and as I got more knowledgeable about shooting and filming. Here’s my newest one:

Compare it with the one below and you’ll see how much I’ve morphed from one space to another. If you want more info about working from home and joining me, you can click HERE.

The majority of my office furniture from this office was purchased at Ikea. So much of it is still available:

The New Setup

Keawe and I decided to share an office in the new house but a few days into being in the new space, I knew I couldn’t take my pictures or do my makeup in there. The lighting is so bad and it just wasn’t suitable for getting the types of pictures I needed for my business.

But my front room has so much good light! I set my desk up in front of our big window in our family room and I love it because it gets hours of indirect sunlight. I can do my makeup, take my pictures, and then when people come over I can tuck everything away and it just looks like a writing desk.

I have two of the blush velvet chairs above and when company is over, I just put everything away and turn both chairs around for additional seating.


I have a Riki mirror - but the ones I use the most are my Vanity Planet pose mirrors. I have this larger one that I use at my desk and the mini pose that I travel with. They lay flat, have adjustable LED lighting all around the frame, and can also be propped up to stand on their own. They make doing your makeup in a hotel room a dream and give you the absolute best lighting.

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And if you want, here is a video I did of my makeup room about 2 years ago. I’ve definitely updated things since then but it gives you a good idea of the basics if you’re looking for something more built out!

Let me know if there’s anything I missed!