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My 10 Favorite Bed & Bath Organization Hacks

If I wrote a book about my life, that would be the working title. I am not naturally a person who has this beautiful, immaculate home. My brain is more spontaneous and fluid, and it likes what it likes when it likes it.

But a little organization here and there has done wonders for my brain and my life. I have systems in my business that help me do more and be more effective, and I firmly believe these organization helpers do the same thing! I love finding something that makes my life easier and organized, and I thought you might, too! This is why I'm sharing the ten things I've done in my room and bathroom that have turned the space into more of a haven than a hovel.

And I didn't just get these because it makes my home prettier! A tidy home can reduce mental and physical overstimulation, decrease cortisol levels (the body's primary stress hormone), and improve focus and memory by minimizing clutter that the brain perceives as stress.

See? An organized life is a better life - it's SCIENCE!